Wealth Transfer Succession Planning

gold coast tax planning

Succession planning provides security for your family and gives you peace of mind. Whether through accident, disease or death, the day will come when you can no longer personally provide for the financial, health and emotional well-being of those you love. These issues are too important to leave to chance. This is especially so if … Read more

Tax Matters

financial coaching gold coast

If you plan to start a Business in Australia or have a job, you must register with the Australian Tax Office and maybe other regulators. Instructing a Chartered Accountant to advise on procedure and Tax Planning is advisable. Personal Tax on Salaries and Wages is paid to Australian Tax Office (ATO) via the employer’s Pay … Read more

Welcome to Australia!

People Enjoying Sunset Over the Ocean

A vibrant, well-run country with a stable political environment. Welcome also to Business Opportunity but also a sometimes-challenging Business and Tax environment.  Australia is a first-world country blessed with a developed economy and deserves its tag as the “Lucky Country” for many reasons. The first world economy is supported by various“social services.”However, a complex and … Read more

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